Stories of children and tacklers from the Tackle world

Stories of children and tacklers from the Tackle world

Friday, December 27, 2013

A calm Caravan... How often does that happen?!

The Caravan started at around 2:00pm with not a single kid in sight. I was rather shocked but then slowly we had about 10 tiny ones come in and the Caravan began. To start with we got the kids to color a few pictures and some kids were solving puzzles.
The kids seemed really excited about the Pratham books and wanted the ones with pictures only.They happily read along with the volunteers or read themselves as well.
As for me, this little kid Gautham got really bored with me. I am guessing it was due to my sub-standard Kannada but then he got along really well with another volunteer.
Little Spoorthi has grown up quite a bit, I remember when the Caravan first began, she hardly spoke and would only dance or jump around and she was tiny. But now she speaks to us in English and she helped me with another kid explaining him that my Kannada is bad and she told him that he ought to nod in agreement to everything I say!

-- Sara Fathima

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