Stories of children and tacklers from the Tackle world

Stories of children and tacklers from the Tackle world

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

My Hero for the Day!!

We didn’t have many kids at the stall initially. But slowly the kids started coming and super excited to learn how to make a bird. The language problem sort of gave me a little bump as I had to tell them how to fold and what to do exactly. But with help from other volunteers I was able to get through. And though the kids found a little hard to make it, the end product made up for all the hard work. Their faces were just full of awe. And at the end of the day almost all the kids had a bird in their hand. 

Also, almost all the kids came up to me after they finished painting to show me their end product. And Jeeva!!! Oh Jeeva literally blew my mind!! The variety of things he knows how to make! He actually ended up teaching us how to make a rose and all the kids wanted to make a rose. And at the end of the day, a couple of the kids whom I taught how to make birds were fighting to hold my hand. It felt nice to know that someone wants you to be their friend. A couple of the kids even made me some stuff, but the other kids were so amazed by it that they took it.

But I did get a rose from Jeeva :)

--- Elizabeth Korah

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